Having a tidy and organized space has always helped me feel like I can be more productive and less stressed. As someone who has worked in direct care services with the elderly and disabled community for 8+ years, I have had the opportunity to work very closely with various individuals and see the impact that "stuff" can have on time and space.
My passion for helping others organize their cluttered spaces truly stems from seeing the positive reactions it can create. When one's space is in disarray, it is likely to feel as though life in general is in a state of chaos. The moment things begin to pile up, the thought process can tend to be "I'll get to it later" and then before you know it later turns into no time soon.
The truth is, when we can complete things that we have on our "To-Do" lists, whether it is calling someone to check-in on them or focusing on keeping spaces in order, it makes such a difference in how we approach our day-to-day life. The encouragement of others, whether they are family, friends or hired help is an aspect of organizing that helps maintain accountability and provides great reminders that we are all in this struggle together of getting our lives in order.
Code of Ethics I Stand By
Client Relationships
I will respect my clients, their spaces, and will remain non-judgmental throughout all interactions.
I will only provide services in areas in which I am competent and knowledgeable.
If other professionals are needed, I will do my best to connect you with qualified individuals and/or companies.
All fees for services will be honestly represented and provided upfront.
Any and all client information will be held with the utmost of confidentiality and will not be shared with anyone.
Client testimonials and/or photos will only be used with explicit permission provided by the client.
Any and all fees associated with services will be provided upfront and never hidden.
For any change in fee structure, a 60-day notice will be provided to existing clients and only effective towards new projects not within original agreement.
I will not financially benefit from any products and/or services recommended.